Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 59 Board Game and alumnae chapter

Tonight was game night! As a family we are crazy about board games. When my kids were young we played all the time. It was not unusual for my sister, Marian and I to stay up until all hours of the night playing Trivial Pursuit. (I always made her stay up until I won a game.) Holidays always included hours of board games. Then life got in the way. I cannot remember the last time we played. Tonight we pulled out a new game we purchased.

A trivia game featuring our favorite TV show. It is a fun game. We discovered we both suck at "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock". I cannot make the Spock with my right hand, only my left. A very weird thing kept happening to me. When I answered a question about a character, I almost always drew that character's card. Freaky, deaky! Let's see if Taylor can answer a question.
In the episode "The Panty Piñata Polarization" (S2/E7) Penny takes an item of food from Sheldon's plate that causes him to flip out. What was it?

I (Taylor) have the answer! An onion ring!! Boy I sure hope that's right. 

Today, my first takes me back to my college days. During my junior and senior year of college I was an active collegiate member of Kappa Delta. Tonight, I became an active member of the Murfreesboro Alumnae chapter :-) 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 58 Dinner with sisters and bird poop

I have had dinner many times with my sisters but today my sister Karen came and said she was going to dinner tonight and wanted Marian and me to join her. I really wanted to go home after work. It was a rough day. But Karen has never come and ask us to join her for dinner after work. That meant a lot to me so I said yes. It was so much fun for the three of us to share stories about our day.  It topped my day off nicely. Sisters are wonderful things. Thank you Karen for asking me to dinner!

Bird poop you ask? I'm not really sure if my first will classify as a first in everyone else's eyes... But I was just blown away by what I (Taylor) learned at church tonight. So I'm going to count it. I'm not really even sure how we got on the topic but we got to talking about birds. And someone mentioned that birds start to leave you presents if you keep feeding them. Apparently when they eat and then poop, they poop out seeds and such (including fish eggs!) and then the seed (or eggs) can fertilize (or hatch) and there ya go... A new flower or fish! Maybe you all knew that. But I had never thought about it! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 57 receipt note and Martini

Tonight after work I (Taylor) met up with my best friend to get our nails done and we decided to go to dinner afterwards. During dinner she asked me what my first for the day was. It being 8pm I was a bit panicked because I hadn't decided on one yet. She suggested I leave a friendly little note behind on my receipt. So that's what I did :)

And here's my out of the box nail color! Going from a pail pink to this is a big change. 

Lynn here. I actual blogged last night but it didn't upload. My iPad has wifi issues sometimes. Anyway my first was a martini. A caramel apple martini. It was delicious, so I had another one. It was girl's night out at a new restaurant.

Everyone agreed the food was tasty and we had a good time talking.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 56 photo prep and squash

Today was a hard day to get a first completed. First I thought I would finish putting the puzzle together. After half an hour and maybe finding five pieces that fit, I decided that wasn't happening. Next I had bought some paint by numbers thinking that would be fun. Nope the paint was all dried up. Third time was the charm. I need to complete a flower quilt for my art group, FAC @ FAB. I wanted to use a technique I learned from Susan Brubaker Knapp. You take your photo, crop it and print it in color. Then print a black and white copy. This weekend I will take fabric and using the black and white copy draw the picture on my fabric. I use the color photo to paint the picture on my fabric. Here is my picture. I will post a picture if it works.

Today was a rough day in general for me (Taylor). I decided, again, that my first would involve food. Apparently I need to branch out. But I branched out and tried butternut squash and spaghetti squash. I'm not sure if I didn't cook the spaghetti squash enough but I thought it was truly horrible! The butternut squash wasn't awful but wasn't good either. I roasted it in the oven like a sweet potato. Just wasn't a fan of either. So my heathy dinner of chicken and 2 types of squash turned into chicken and Mac & Cheese. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 55 AAA and lobster

I did not decide to do a first today, it just happened. I was talking to some friends about the cars I saw this weekend at the car show and I mentioned the spare tire on the Nissan Versa. It is underneath the car. I liked the car but could not see myself laying on the ground to get to the spare tire. They could not believe I did not belong to AAA. That got me thinking so I went and looked up the price. It was only $66 a year for both Marian and me. So I got it. After all I am not getting any younger, as my sweet children keep reminding me, so now someone else can struggle with that flat tire and dead battery.

Tonight we decided to make lobster and shrimp for dinner. I've had lobster tail at restaurants before but never had an entire lobster. Even worse one with eyes that I felt like were looking at me. And I've definitely never had it made at home. I apparently struggle with my food looking at me or still bleeding. (I couldn't eat a steak josh made once because it wasn't too raw) Well I had to have josh crack open the lobster and even pull out the meat. I still almost struggled to eat it at that point. 

Here's my lobster. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 54 Omelets and The Slice

As much as I (Taylor) love eggs, one would think I would have made an omelet before. But that's not so. Josh worked 3rd shift so I offered last night to make him breakfast when he got home from work (sweet wife huh?). His request? An omelet. See my first attempt:

A total screw up. I attempted to flip the entire thing which didn't work. So I just scrambled myself some eggs. Second attempt went a little better. Didn't have too many complaints (besides not having put in enough cheese) so it must not have been too bad. 

I present to you - Josh's loaded omelet. Complete with cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, jalapeños and bacon. My pleasure :-) 

Taylor's first was much more successful than mine. Last March I purchased a little machine called a Slice. It's purpose is to cut fabric that is fused so you can appliqué it on a quilt. I don't do much appliqué. I am too impatient to make all the pieces. I thought this machine would be helpful. However after two attempts, I found it did not work well. Would not cut through the fabric completely. I guess it might work for paper.  Oh well, we cannot think that everything we do this year of first will be successful. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 53 Three First and more!

This was my "first" first of the day. I (Lynn) went to the Great Cake Bake Off. The Knox County Library holds it every year to raise money for Dolly's imagination library. This was my favorite of the bunch but it was hard to pick. They were all amazing. We have a lot of talent in this town. My second "first" happened here also. I had a vegan chocolate chip cookies. It tasted just like a regular chocolate chip cookie. Then it was off to the Car Show. I have never been to a car show so number three "first" for the was great. I got to sit in a Rav4, Versa Note, Mini Cooper, Smart Car and my favorite the Mazda CX-5. I am planning to buy a new car this year so this gave me a chance to narrow down my test drive choices. It was a fun day.

Adding this blog post a day late (Taylor here). Last night was a late night. I went to the Brad Paisley concert and didn't get in until around midnight. The nights adventure started off with me popping a button of my shirt so a pitstop to walmart to get a sewing kit happened. Seeing a button back on in the car was definitely interesting. We headed downtown and after discovering all of our food options were over an hour wait we headed to the Gulch for a restaurant suggested by one of my sorority sisters. 

Here is a compilation of my dinner at Bugger Republic. (DELICIOUS!!) 

I would definitely suggest this place I you're looking for a good burger and beer. They've got over 30 beers on tap and delicious milkshakes (spiked and regular). Really looking forward to taking my pooks (best friend Jess) there with me so we can try the Nutella shake! 

The concert was wonderful! And an interesting experience with a crazy horrible dancing 50+ year old woman that sat beside me! I decided to sport my Zappos boots and ankle jeans. So my outfit was even a first. :) 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 52 Waffle House and pizza

Today's first was a "new" place to eat. We went and ate at the Waffle House. The last time I ate at one was Christmas sometime around 1998. The entire family went to the parent's house for the holiday. We barely got their before the ice storm hit. We were stuck inside for 2 or 3 days with no electricity. We had a gas fireplace so we stayed semi-warm and we had food it was just all cold. We were finally able to get out but the only place open was the Waffle House. My kids will tell you that is one of their favorite holiday memories. (Mine too).

I will definitely say mom is right. That's one of my favorite holidays. I remember snacking while sitting at a card table next to the fire playing cards. 

Tonight was a long night. Josh and I ventured to walmart to get a game and supplies to make pizza. I found a heart shaped pizza picture last week so we decided to make pizza and play games for our valentines night. Yes a week late but we finally made it out to get our supplies. Well, if you know josh it didn't turn out to be a short trip. We ended up buying about everything in the store. We didn't even end up with a game because we knew it would be a late night once we got home and made our dinner. My first: making homemade pizza with josh (who had his own first in makin homemade pizza) and making a heart shaped pizza. 

Here are a few pictures from our night. And yes, my husband is insane. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 51 Instant message and tornado warnings

Today for me (Lynn) was another into technology. I heard from someone I work with, Lora about an instant message program our OIT office had available for us to use. Marian uses it. I suggested it to my boss. He wanted me to look into it. Well I asked around and decided the best way to find out about it was to download it, so I did and Lora did. I talked to Marian and Lora using it. It was fun.

I'm no stranger to tornado warnings since living in middle tennessee. My first tornado siren experience was my very first semester in college. I was terrified and headed to a friends apartment. I was outside walking to my car when it went off! Anyway back to tonight. I've been known to get in bathtubs with pillows and blankets as well as in our cramped pantry with the dog. Tonight, I hid out in the basement of the church as well as in a nursing room with about 15 kids and 10 other adults. Definitely an interesting experience! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 50 Zulily and MasterBlast

Mom had sent me (Taylor) an email that zulily was having a special on Toms today. I've needed a new pair of toms for a couple of years now. I debated all day with myself on if I was going to buy some or not. Still needig a first at 8pm I decided to get some. So I ordered 2 pairs! 

I (Lynn) am so happy I can 1) help Taylor with her Toms addiction and 2) help Taylor get her first for the day. I also was stumped for a first today. We (Marian and I) drove through Sonic on our way to our FAC at FAB meeting and saw they had something called a MasterBlast. Isn't that a horrible name? We were both fascinated, but we were not hungry so we just got our regular drinks, Diet cherry limeade for me Unsweet tea with raspberry for Marian. When we left our meeting we were hungry and decide to satisfy our curiosity and get a MasterBlast. It seems to be a Sonic Blast on steroids. I got the Caramel Brownie. It was yummy caramel ice cream with chunks of brownie. Delicious!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 49 Tonight Show and Titans dinner

As Taylor indicated in yesterday' post (stealing her Mom's thunder) I stayed up last night and watched Jimmy Fallon's debute on The Tonight Show. I thought he was wonderful. The dance routine he did with Will Smith was hysterical especially the "Carlton".  I think he is going to go down as the best host since Johnny Carson. Since the show started at midnight, I can count this as my first today.

Congrats Jimmy.

Well tonight we ventured out to our first Titans season ticket holder event. Josh got an email a couple of weeks ago for a dinner event with the new head coach. So we decided we woul go. Going back to my first from Sunday, I wore my ankle jeans. (Pictured below) we had a really good time. The coach seems awesome and the dinner was pretty yummy. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 48 TDOT and The Tonight Show

I travel to work each day down Chapman Highway. For a long time now we have had to detour at Moody Avenue and take the James White Parkway since the Henley Street bridge is closed. They have opened one lane of the bridge but have not taken down the detour. That means every morning the one lane that goes through to access Chapman backs up all the way back to the other light. It is still quicker to wait in that line than to take the detour, so I wait. My first today was to contact TDOT and ask them to open up more lanes.

So I (Taylor) stole Mom's first she's using for (if she can stay awake) tomorrow's first. Since she's an hour ahead of me our first can count for separate days. Tonight Jimmy Fallon takes over the tonight show. So not only am I watching him on the tonight show as the host for the first time, I'm watching a brand new "season" in the tonight show story and history. Pretty dang cool! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 47 Potholder and ankle jeans

It was a visit to my youth as my first today.

These pot holders are now made from what feels like t-shirts. It was fun but I think I will save the rest and give it to Graycie, my granddaughter. 
It was a great weekend - Jonas and Keri came to visit and we had breakfast with Jen and Derek. 

Today started out as a lazy day. I slept on and off for most of the morning at Jessica's. It's a good thing she's my best friend because I spent the entire weekend at her house. After I finally got off my lazy butt I headed by my favorite store: New York and company. They had their pants BOGO free. I decided to branch out and try on ankle jeans. These kinds of pants usually look horrible on me  and are way too long. These I tried on were the perfect length and adorable! So I purchased my first pair of ankle jeans! 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 46 Learn FileMaker and volunteering

My first today was trying to learn FileMaker. I am not sure it is anything I would ever use but it was interesting. I think Taylor's first will probably be better. I did go see Philamena. It was wonderful.

My (Taylor) first wasn't much better it just comes with a funny story. The best friend (Jess) said she was volunteering to work a 15k/5k hot chocolate run. So I said I would do it with her. After work such long hours at work I was exhausted. It was made worse by having to be up at 4:30am so we could be in Nash by 5:45am. Let me tell you... It was COLD! I had on workout pants long socks and jeans on the bottom half. I had 2 Brooks long sleeve running shirts, a thick sweatshirt, a hoodie we got for volunteering, a jacket and scarf as well as gloves. I think I finally warmed up around 3 this afternoon. 

We aren't great volunteers apparently.. We were assigned one job, decided we didn't want to do it and went on the hunt to volunteer at chocolate tent. We couldn't get in it to volunteer so we headed to the finish line to hand out water. Well 8:15am rolls around and we're frozen solid so we decided to leave early. We were supposed to be there until after 11. 

Here is a picture of Jess and I before the race started. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 45 The Whipping Man and craft time

I went to see "The Whipping Man" tonight at Clarence Brown Theatre on campus. It would have been easier to just stay home. I had a trying day and was tired. But I told myself I was not going to say no during this year of first. I am so glad I went. It was wonderful. There were only three actors. The setting was the day Lincoln was killed and a little before. A Jewish confederate soldier returns to his Richmond home to find the only people left are two of his family slaves, who are Jewish. It was truly amazing.

Well after 15+ hours of work.... I can finally write about today's first. We had a date night at work and my first today were some craft projects for it. See photos to follow. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 44 Throw back Thursday and pre craft time

First -UT is closed today!!!!! No work for me. I went ahead and did my first. I put a Throw back Thursday picture on Facebook which I never do since I am not a fan of pictures of me. This picture I like though.

That's me on the right. Big sister Karen on the left. I actually think this is probably my best picture. 
I am off to play and enjoy my rare day off. Quick RIP for Shirley Temple and Sid Caesar. Huge talents both. 

Tonight is a pre first for me. Doesn't make much sense huh? Well.. Tomorrow we have a date night event at work so I went shopping for last minute special touches. One thing I'm creating is a holder for a table number. I'll post pictures tomorrow. But I bought some 8oz mason jars and needed to figure out a way to hold a straw I bought to use too. Well while shopping at JoAnns I found these mason jar lid replacements. They have the perfect center hole cut out! So I course I bought them. 

I also bought a HUGE amount of ribbon for another craft project I have to finish tomorrow too. So my first??? Buying all of these new things for these projects tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 43 Lowe's saga gets worse and chocolate banana pancakes

I (Lynn) am so mad. Let me start at the beginning. The University pays your December paycheck before our Christmas break. I was trying to be a good customer so I went ahead and paid my January bills. One of those bills was Lowes. We had put a lot of our house renovations on our credit card with them. So on December 30th, I paid our January payment. All is well I think until the end of January when I went to pay our February payment and learned that payment I made in December did not count toward January's payment. Lowe's now showed me owing two months. I called thinking this would be easy to fix - I paid early. They should be thrilled. Oh no. I was in trouble because I had not made my January payment. I spent over 30 minutes on the telephone that day and everyone I talked to said there was nothing they could do. I needed to make two payments. I hung up because I was promised a supervisor would call me. When no one had called me by the next day, I sent an email to Lowes itself and then called the credit card people. After another half hour I finally got them to agree to send me a check for my January payment so I could send it back to them as my payment. Later that day I got an email from Lowes saying they would be calling me. The next day I got a call from a collection agency because I had not made my January payment. I kid you not. I emailed Lowes again and immediately got a call from them saying they would straighten everything out. Today I get a letter in the mail from that collection agency asking for my lawyer's name so we could get the situation worked out. So my first today - a threatening letter from Lowes for a payment I made one day early! So if I can get to work tomorrow (where the contact information for the Lowes person is) I will be calling, again.

Tonight I (Tay) was craving pancakes so I went to a semi healthy website and found homemade chocolate banana pancakes. Made from scratch too! No mix or anything. They were very tasty I might add. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 42 - hugging a stranger and Puzzle

Today at work (this is taylor) was a bit busy. Trying to make sure I've got everything ready for a few events and some orders on top of my usual tasks. I was ready to clock out and meet josh and his brother for dinner. I walked up front to clock out when I saw an older gentleman standing in front of a register with his wallet and a frown on his face. I asked him if he had been helped yet. He said "not yet but if I do can I get a hug?" I promptly replied with "if you let me take your order I would be more than happy to give you a hug!" So I took his order and after small talk about his wife I asked for his name. Without missing a beat he said "Willamina". I said "well Willamina, I'll put that down and we'll see the reaction of the person that brings your food to you." That person happened to be Justin (one of our managers). He had the most confused look on his face and I just started laughing. His face turned red as he realized who Willamina was. He didn't even say his name, just asked if that was his order. Once our guest had his order I promptly walked over and said "I owe Mr. Willamina a hug!" As I hugged him he said "I sure have had a rough day and you just made it better."

The moral of the story besides how much this gentleman made my day is that my first was hugging a complete stranger today. I hope that man realizes how much he brightened my mood tonight. Oh, and I LOVE my job :) 

Taylor's first was better than mine. That is the best part of doing this together, when my first isn't that great hers usually is. Plus it gives you ideas for future first. Hopefully I can run into Tom Mison and he can be my stranger hug.  ;) Okay my first today was putting together a puzzle. About an hour into it I realized why I had not done this since I was a's hard. I did take a picture of how far I got in two hours. I think you will be amazed.

Yeah, I know that's pathetic. Lol I will finish it. Maybe we will actually get the snow they are calling for and I will need something to do. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 41 Word document and cotton swabs

Today's first is not flashy. My boss asked me to make a step-by-step instruction document for Electronic time sheets. I screen printed each step, manipulated the screen print in Paint and composed the document. I have never used Paint, but fortunately someone in my office showed me how it worked. The document turned out well. I was proud of my work. So not flashy, but I got a great job from my boss, so I consider it a success.

Tonight I went back to my bone marrow registration. I finally sent in the cheek swabs for my DNA sample. I must say I'm pretty pumped about getting that done and getting this ball rolling! 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 40 Gelli Printing and strollers

Today I played with Gelli printing

I have the 8 1/2 x 11" size. You just put paint on the plate, brayer it around and place your paper on it. 
This was my first attempt:

This was my best:

It was fun and very easy.

Today we headed to Waynesboro to help celebrate the soon coming addition of a new member to he family. Josh's sister will be having a baby due in march. My first came after the shower ended when I assembled the stroller and car seat :) I must say I was pretty impressed with myself. 

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 39 Lots of first

Today was a day of lots of first. Too many to pick just one. A little back story. Jessica, Taylor's best friend and my other daughter, asked me and Marian a couple of years ago if we would be willing to take her Grandfather's clothes (he had passed away) and make some quilts for her family. We finally finished 7 quilt tops. Today we drove through Crossville, scooped up Mom and headed to Smithville. Taylor and Jess met us there at a Quilt Shop named Country Lane Quilts. They are going to quilt the quilts on their longarm machine. So "first" time to visit the shop. Then we went over to my Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe's house to visit. I spent most of the time talking to Uncle Joe. He turns 91 this month, was a German prisoner of war during World War II, and received a Purple Heart. He was telling me  some stories about his time in the war. The stories were amazing. I could have talked to him for hours. What an incredible opportunity to hear those memories. Another "first" - talking to a WWII veteran about his war experiences. Then we headed off to eat at The White Possum. Another first where I had a hamburger with white cheese queso, another first.  When we got back to Crossville, we visited The Yarn Shop, the final first of the day. It was a great day!

As you can tell, it was a busy day for us all. You could count all of Mom's firsts for the day (excluding making the quilts, hearing all of Uncle Joe's stories, visiting the yarn shop, and eating a burger with queso) as my firsts for the day. Guess that leaves me with visiting the yarn shop and eating at The White Possum. I had some yummy fried chicken fingers, green beans and Mac and cheese. It was a fun filled day for sure! 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 38 Played piano and Diaper Cake

I took piano for a little while when I was young. I always loved playing but never had enough time to get good at it. When my Mom retired and the parents moved to Crossville, I got the piano. I was glad to have it because it gave Taylor the opportunity to take lessons. I would play occasionally when she was taking lessons but I have not touched it since. Too many other things to do. Tonight I sat down and played. I was so bad. If I did not think about it my fingers naturally hit the right notes but if I thought too hard about trying to read the music, I would have no idea what I was supposed to play. It was so fun though. I love music, even when I am butchering it.

Tonight my bestie Jess and I ventured into the land diaper cakes. I've made one before a few years ago but it was in the shape of a motorcycle and not a cake. So we went and bought the supplies and headed back to her house to enjoy some beverages and roll some diapers!  Here is the cake for my sis-in-law. It's still missing some decorative ribbon to be added later.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 37 Volunteer to work Knoxville Marathon and German food!

Last year Taylor, my niece Jennifer and I ran the 5k associated with the Knoxville Marathon. I knew I would not be able to run it so today I signed up to work it. It should be fun.

Tonight I took josh out for his birthday. We're celebrating early since he won't be in town on his actual birthday. I decided to treat him to some German food. I've never had it and he probably hasn't been some place like we went since he's been back from Germany. 

We went to the Gerst Haus in downtown nashville near LP Field. I'll say it smelled a bit funny but the food was decent. I don't think I would volunteer to eat it again but at least I tried!! 

Don't ask what all of this is because I'm not really sure. I know we had ham balls (app) and veal, brauts and sausage for our meal. We had some kind of apple streusel for dessert. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 36 New Soup and Lifeway

Today the weather turned cold again. That means soup time. Although I love soup all the time. Progressive is my favorite brand. I found a new flavor - Chicken Corn Chowder. That was lunch today. It was delicious. That probably does not sound like a big first, but as my family will tell you, for me it is. I have new food issues. It is very hard for me to try new foods so this year of first I am going to make myself try new foods. They probably will not make the list because I am trying to do as many new things this year as possible. I am not just limiting myself to the blog first.

Haven't heard what Taylor's first is going to be. Doing this with her is making it extra special. 

This most definitely is extra special getting to do this with my momma!! (Taylor here now) 

Today was a bit insane. What's new though right? After work I headed to Franklin to have dinner with my Aunt that's in town. That was super nice. We haven't had just us time in a while. 

After dinner I headed back to the boro and did a bit of birthday (for the hubby) and valentines day shopping. One adventure led me to Lifeway. I haven't been in that store in a really long time. I wanted to pick up something special for josh and I felt like they would have it. So that was my first for the day. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 35 Show and Tell and chili

Tonight was my quilt guild meeting. At every meeting we have show and tell. I have been in the guild five years and I have never shown anything. Everything I make is very personal to me. Showing people something I have made is opening up my very soul to them and that is scary. On top of that I am an introvert. Putting myself and my "art" out to the public terrifies me. Tonight I showed off something I crocheted. I am more confident in my crocheting and fortunately the members of the guild appreciate all creative endeavors. Plus I have been crocheting longer than I have been quilting. I can put a quilt in a quilt show because I will not see people's reaction.
Here is my show and tell -

Just wanted to say I'm so proud of my Momma! She does absolutely amazing work and she doesn't show it off nearly enough! So proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone! 

Tonight, I (Taylor) opted to make a new chili recipe I've never made before. I took some notes from a few different recipes and then just winged it. I'll definitely say more spices for sure. I don't like hot foods but this had no real taste to it. It wasn't awful.... But nothing like Momma's! 

Just to throw it out there.. Here is a shot of my amazingly comfortable and adorable new TN sweatshirt!! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 34 new gym class and fake lashes

I persuaded Marian to join me tonight for the new 30 minute spin class. It was a lot of fun and a decent workout.

That was short, sweet and to the point 😉

Tonight I decided to try fake eyelashes. I only tried 1 considering I was ready for bed when I remembered to do it. It's a bit odd... Suggestion: definitely trim them to fit your eye. I didn't have them trimmed and I couldn't get the corner to stick down bc it was so long. They felt odd but I'm thinking it was bc they were too long. They definitely give a more dramatic look if that's what you're going for. I personally like my eyelashes. So I'm not sure if/when I would actually use them. But I may give it a try when we go out one evening. 

Can you tell which eye has the fake lashes? 

A close up shot. You can clearly see where the inside corner isn't stuck down. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 33 - watching the Super Bowl and making food for it

I am actually watching the game. I never watch the game. Pro football is not my favorite. Love college football, but we never watched pro football much growing up except for Joe Nammath. I loved Joe Willie! Even had a Jet's football jersey with his number and name on it. Wore it when we played football in the neighborhood. I always played quarterback. Bet that will make my kids laugh but I was actually good. It will be weird watching the ads instead of waiting to catch them the next day. Anyway back to my first - go Peyton!!!!! I also need to say RIP Phillip Seymour Hoffman. So sad. He was one of my favorite actors and he leaves young children.

Mom was indeed correct. I did get a chuckle out of reading she wore thy jersey while playin qb. We may need to get a football game going next time we're all home! 

My first has to do with the Super Bowl as well. But only dealing with the food. I made cocktail weenies. I've never made them but I'm always a fan when my bestie Jess makes them. So I gave them a try. I think it's safe to say josh has enjoyed them too. I think he's eaten more of them than the rotel dip he made for the night :-) 

Happy Super Bowl-ing!!  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 32 Female impersonator show and tshirt purchase

Continuing my adventure from Day 31, our reason for going to The Edge was to see the Female Impersonator show. It was fabulous ! The ladies were beautiful and very talented.

Here the three of us are. (I was trying to take a picture with my phone.)

Mom definitely had a more eventful day than I did. My first including using a website called It's very similar to Kickstarter. You're "purchasing" something but only if the minimum number set by the maker is reached. Josh is a huge UT fan and I saw a shirt that ha the brick by brick saying on it (see below). The minimum purchase was quickly reached so I'll be having a cute shirt delivered for josh shortly. 

I also purchased this seriously adorable TN store flag sweatshirt that I'm really excited about wearing with my new boots!! See below as well. 

Shirt I bought for josh as my first today. 

TN flag sweatshirt I bought too.