Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29

I (Lynn) had a healthy breakfast and lunch. Dinner was another matter but two out of three ain't bad.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28

I (Lynn) had a protein drink for breakfast and a healthy lunch and dinner. Good on me!

The next few days I forgot to blog and clearly forgot what I've done as my healthy choice.. Sorry guys! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 27

Today was my (Lynn) best day so far. I had a protein drink for breakfast made with an apple and some ginger and cinnamon spices. It was yummy. Then for lunch I made taco soup. Full of 2 types of beans, corn, tomatoes and peppers. For dinner I had chili so more vegetables. I also began the morning with 30 minutes on my bike. 

The next few days I forgot to blog and clearly forgot what I've done as my healthy choice.. Sorry guys! 

January 26

Today I (Lynn) had a protein drink for breakfast and a healthy soup for lunch.

The next few days I forgot to blog and clearly forgot what I've done as my healthy choice.. Sorry guys! 

January 25

Total bust for me today (Lynn) spent the whole day sewing on my quilt guild's challenge.

The next few days I forgot to blog and clearly forgot what I've done as my healthy choice.. Sorry guys! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 24

Today I tried to do something healthy (Lynn) but it didn't work. My sister gave me her recumbent bike. It just needed new batteries, she said. But there was batteries in there and they had corroded. I have cleaned it and after it dries I will try it again. I hope it works.

The next few days I forgot to blog and clearly forgot what I've done as my healthy choice.. Sorry guys! 

Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23

(Lynn) Today's healthy choice was drinking all my water.

The next few days I forgot to blog and clearly forgot what I've done as my healthy choice.. Sorry guys! 

January 22

Today's healthy choice was a mental health pick. (Lynn) I got my sewing machine repaired even though I probably should have waited until next month. When you get paid monthly, January is a long month. But quilting relieves so much stress and I have been very stressed.

The next few days I forgot to blog and clearly forgot what I've done as my healthy choice.. Sorry guys! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21

Today I knew (Lynn) I would be eating out for dinner so I had a healthy breakfast and lunch.

For lunch today I had a side salad topped with fruit and I also had more chicken tortilla soup. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20

I (Lynn) started my day healthy with a protein drink. It went downhill from there however. I sure will be glad when work gets back to normal.

This morning I had a healthy breakfast and a heathy lunch. I had a burrito minus the wrap and made with grilled nuggets instead of fried. Then for lunch I had chicken tortilla soup and grilled nuggets again. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

January 19

Tonight I (Lynn) took my take out Chinese and halved it before I started eating. Now I have a meal for tomorrow and I am not over full.

Today I had chicken tortilla soup for lunch. Full of beans and filling foods. I love our tortilla soup! 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 18

Another unsuccessful healthy day. (Lynn) I shall start again tomorrow.

Ditto again. Add in some beer and it's just even worse 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

January 17

Today was an no healthy choice day but it was extremely fun. I came to Murfreesboro to attend Jessica's baby shower. Lots of good food and fun. Then Taylor, Marian and I went to eat at an Irish pub. The food was delicious and the bartender was cute.

I'm right there with mom since we were together the entire day. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16

Today I made sure I drank my full allotment of water. (Lynn)

I today did the same. Not much more than that since it was another long day at work. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15

Today's healthy choice was yogurt for breakfast. (Lynn)

Today I came up with a list of healthy go to recipes so josh and I can stick to this plan! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 14

I (Lynn) had a healthy breakfast and lunch today. I also walked up and down the stairs today. No elevator.

Unfortunately today I had a soda. It's been a long week so I had one. I could definitely tell I hadn't had one in a really long time. But on to the healthy part of my day! I decided to make a goal of how many steps each day I wanted to reach. I've settled on 5000 right now. It doesn't sound like much at all but it's a lot better than what I'm used to! So it's a start until I really get into the gym and then we'll bump it up. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 13

Today I (Lynn) forgot my bowl for my lunch. I took the soup but did not have anything to put my soup into. I talked someone at work into buying me something while they were out to lunch. My healthy choice was to decline fries. Fries are one of my favorite foods. I also had mustard on my burger. No mayo. 

Today i (Taylor) signed up for one of the dietbet challenges! We'll see how this goes. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12

Well I (Lynn) ate a healthy breakfast and lunch. I intended to ride my new recumbent bike when my sister got home. Unfortunately she came in with the news that our other sister was at the hospital. Her defibrillator has gone off three times. So off to the hospital we went and at 11:37, here we still sit. They are trying to decide if they should admit her.

I'm (Taylor) going to stick with a previously used healthy aspect. Today was a long work day (730-830) but I'll give myself some mad props. I drank 5 camelbaks of water even with working a crazy day! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 11

Today's healthy thing was putting cinnamon in my hot chocolate. (Lynn) Cinnamon has many healthy qualities and makes the chocolate quite tasty.

Today was a difficult day for me (Taylor). I woke up feeling ok but as I was cleaning around the house I felt worse and worse. After a work meeting I came home and felt even worse. I had a fever and horrible body aches. So all I could accomplish was laying on the couch. I truly did nothing healthy today because of being sick unfortunately. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

January 10

You know what I (Lynn) did today that was healthy- nothing, nada, not a thing. Occasionally you need a day off.

I'll be honest, I ate every bad thing possible for me today. Had some very cheesy potato soup for lunch, and for dinner I had a Nutella and banana crepe and I even ended the evening with cheesecake. Needless to say I was miserable. I didn't necessarily do anything crazy healthy but I thought a lot about what my fitness goals are and how I'm going to reach them and organize my goals better in my planner. Does that count? 

Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9

Today started with my protein drink and Progresso soup for lunch. (Lynn) dinner was not as healthy but two out of three is not bad.

Today I found a fitness blogger called bender fitness. She's got great daily workouts and she's started a move of the day post on Instagram. I can't wait to as her stuff to my workout schedule! 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8

My intentions were good. I was going to yoga tonight but I got stuck at work. So I had a healthy soup for lunch but otherwise not a good day. (Lynn)

Tonight I found a website called It's a sit that you place a bet that you'll lose a certain percentage of your weight in a specified time frame. The ones I've seen are 4% in 1 month and 10% in 6 months. If you lose the weight you get to split the pot with everyone else that lost the weight. I haven't decided if I'll do it or not but it seems pretty cool! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 7

Today was a work disaster for me. (Lynn) I got there at 7:30 am and left at 7:15 pm without taking lunch. I did get my protein drink in for breakfast and I did a lot of walking back and forth but could not get to the gym. I am going to do a yoga class tomorrow with some friends.

I (Taylor) finally got my amazing new planner last night that I've been waiting a few weeks for!! Tonight I decided to start the workout section of my planner and start scheduling when I'm working out and what I'm doing. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6

My (Lynn) only healthy thing today was my protein drink for breakfast. Lunch was okay- I had potato chicken corn chowder by Progresso for lunch. No exercise though. I went to work at 6:30 am and worked until after 5. Then I had a meeting until 8:30. 

Today my (Taylor) healthy choice was my water intake. I had 4 glasses of water and 2 camblebak glasses of water! I definitely peed a lot today that's for sure. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5

My (Lynn) day was challenging at work. But I got two healthy things in today. I started the day with a protein drink for breakfast. Then I went to the gym with my friend, Carol. Woot! I got two miles on the treadmill in. 

Today for lunch, I (Taylor) opted for grilled nuggets and some soup instead of what I was craving - fried chicken with fries! It was a healthier choice that I'll later thank myself for but it was a hard one. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 4

Today my healthy choice (Lynn) was not buying snacks at the movies. I went to see two today. The first was "Unbroken" and it was very well done. Angelina Jolie did a fantastic job of translating the book to film. Highly recommend it. The second was "Into the Woods". This was just okay. The costumes were beautiful but the story was not that great. I have never seen the play so I didn't know what to expect. 

Today I (Taylor) was partly unhealthy and healthy at the same time. I had a salad for dinner which was my healthy choice instead of the fast food, soda, and candy that I wanted. But my unhealthy part was that small salad was the only thing I ate besides half a bowl of cereal and 2 pieces of toast. I guess that's what happens when all you do is sleep and take Christmas decorations down at your work. Will definitely be better tomorrow! 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 3

Today my heathy choice was to not eat out today. (Lynn) I spent most of the day sewing on a baby quilt. I cannot wait to see it finished.

I (Taylor) went to Pinterest to find my healthy adventure for the day. In trying to plan for dinner tomorrow, my fatty self came out and wanted Mac n' cheese to go with chicken and green beans for tomorrow. So I searched for a 'skinny' version of the carb staple and I think I found a recipe! It involved cauliflower... Yep, you read that right. I'll link to the recipe if it's worth sharing tomorrow. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

January 2

I (Lynn) got my healthy thing in first thing this morning by starting off my day with a protein drink. I also printed off the class schedule from my gym. I plan to start back and I will take some classes.

I (Taylor) waited until dinner for my healthy adventure for the day. I was really craving a diet coke and bad food for dinner but I opted for panera's chicken noodle soup and a salad I had never tried before. It was some kind of Apple crisp salad. It doesn't look bad but it didn't taste good. At all!  

I'll also add that it's the 2nd day of the new year and I already forgot about one of my resolutions to give up sodas. So I decided to start tomorrow. I got myself once last soda tonight to bid the fond farewell. And it was delicious! Haha! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 - A Healthier and Happier Mom and Daughter - A new challenge

As you noticed, I (Taylor) fell off the face of the blog in November. Life got really tough, work got really tough and I just couldn't handle all of the pulls in different directions going on and still concentrate on doing something new every single day. I still did a few random things here and there but I obviously forgot to blog about them so I don't remember what they are. It has definitely been a hard year, but it's also been a year to be thankful for, and I can't lie and say I didn't grow from every "bad" thing that went on. 

As 2014 was coming to an end, Mom and I decided we didn't want to just stop our adventure, but we weren't sure how to continue our blog and what to challenge ourselves with in 2015. We both agreed to think on a new challenge while she was on her Christmas cruise. Mom came up with the idea to do at least 1 healthy thing every day in 2015. We both have complained immensely about our weight in 2014, so we've decided to do something about it this year. This is the kickstart to a healthy Mom and Daughter! 

To begin 2015 off with our new challenge, I decided to try a new breakfast item. I had hopes that Josh and I would go get breakfast somewhere when he got off work this morning, but the poor man is sick so he did't feel like doing much, understandably. So instead I dug through my freezer to find a few frozen options I've had sitting in there for a month or so. I opted to try these vitamin muffin tops. I threw them in the toaster and they were still pretty hard in the middle. So I popped them in the microwave after that. They were super soft and yummy smelling. The taste wasn't awful but when it began to cool it began to get hard again. Not really my favorite "healthy" breakfast option, but it was a start! 

I'll also be using a brand new planner that I stumbled upon right before Christmas to help me stay focused on this healthier me adventure. It's called an Erin Condren Life Planner. I'm really looking forward to being more organized and focused on this journey and seeing what 2015 brings for Mom and I as we embark on our next journey! 

Mom here. I spent most of the day creating a quilt. When we went out to dinner, I made the healthy choices of salad and baked potato instead of fries.

List of Firsts

1) Journaling
2) Selfie
3) Lottery Ticket
4) Making tea from loose tea leaves
5) Read the entire Sunday paper front to back
6) Blow bubbles in cold (11 degrees)

7) Joined twitter
8) Bought first groupon for white water rafting
9) Made new Pandora station using Pokey LaFarge as my artist 
10) Ate at Willie's restaurant in Seymour
11) Talked to a stranger at Hobby Lobby
12) Embroidery machine
13) Watched a TV show while walking
14) Purchased meal for person behind me in drive thru
15) ribbon was accepted for quilt show
16) Amazon Prime on TV
17) Downloaded book from library
18) Blogged
19) bought present for stranger
20) note in my library book when I returned it
21) wrote my will and living will
22) wrote my Bucket List
23) joined Instagram
24) watched shows for first time
25) strip poker
26) playing with Siri on my new iPhone 
27) Face timed with Taylor
28) wrote reviews of books on Amazon
29) Learning to dance with YouTube
30) moving into new office with window
31) Gay club and shot
32) Female impersonator show
33) watch the Super Bowl game
34) 30 minute spin class
35) show and tell at Quilt guild meeting
36) new soup flavor
37) volunteered to work Knoxville Marathon
38) played the piano
39) lots of first
40) Gelli printing
41) word document using screen print and Paint
42) puzzle
43) collection agency letter for paying bill early
44) Throw back Thursday picture on Facebook
45) went to see "The Whipping Boy" at CBT
46) FileMaker
47) potholder
48) TDOT
49) Tonight Show
50) MasterBlast
51) instant message at work
52) Waffle House
53) Great Cake Bake Off, vegan cookie, Car show
54) The Slice
55) AAA
56) photo prep
57) Martini
58) Karen asked me to dinner after work
59) Big Bang Theory game
60) Medal of Honor quilt
61) Dessert all day
62) Whitechapel
63) voted for local bookstore on James Patterson's website
64) play "The Trip to Bountiful"
65) electronic magazine subscription 
66) Stomp
67) Busting the rut
68) No Facebook, email or text
69) Guest Blog for Lu Ann Cahn
70) Real Housewives of Nashville
71) represented office at camp meeting
72) Lunch & Learn
73) Billy Joel
74) Geographical center of Tennessee
75) Breakfast with Taylor
76) created my own blog - All My Hobbies
77) create guild quilt show banner
78) Spoonflower fabric designing
79) Hollis Chatelain
80) huge TV
81) blue jean quilt
82) changes and savings
83) Margarita
84) reading three books at once
85) Class action lawsuit
86) Jim Henson's creature shop challenge
87) Fantasy of Trees application
88) new recipe
89) volunteer at Marathon
90) Toasted Bagel
91) compliment from boss
92) "Wrens" play
93) painted shoes
94) using Netflix to watch "Serenity"
95) No dishes
96) bus ride with strangers
97) Rosie the Riveter
98) Paddle boat in thunder storm
99) WWII museum with 4D film
100) French Quarter music festival - saw semi nude woman
101) Plantation 
102) orange sherbet milk shake
103) Go with the flow
104) meditation
105) friend at work leaving
106) Art Quilter liked my quilt
107) Yarn crawl
108) Graycie's softball game
109) Donation to Emi Sunshine
110) Christmas cruise purchase
111) steroid inhaler
112) new place to eat
113) bacon chocolate chip cookie
114) surprise text
115) acting silly
116) family girl day
117) 100 books to read
118) conquering fear
119) decorating bookstore
120) changed internet browser at work
121) Volunteer Knoxville
122) Jersey Boys
123) raffle quilt tickets at QRS
124) mint Oreo blizzard
125) Couch to 5k app
126) Quilt show ribbon
127) Spamalot
128) car loan
129) finished Jess's quilts
130) antique store
131) bought tickets to wrong movie
132) Kay's ice cream
133) Donald Brown sighting
134) purchasing class
135) new nail color
136) LV softball game
137) PJs all day even out in public
138) newspaper article
139 quilt category
140) quilt guarding
141) sound system
142) Jennifer Chiaverini
143) quilt show give back envelopes
144) small quilt sold for $60
145) meeting Hobbs VP
146) Hoaders
147) new Jazz group
148) tried fresh peach
149) weaving
150) Apple TV rental
151) Yarn Crawl day 1
152) Yarn Crawl day 2
153) Yarn crawl day 3 and
154) new children's book for me
155) BurgerFi
156) Orange is the New Black
157) West Side Story
158) Yarn Crawl
159) binding for friend
160) knitting
161) Barbara
162) Estate sale
163) Market Research
164) Friday the 13th full moon
165) Last day Yarn Crawl
166) Orange is the New Black marathon
167) new diet
168) 3-D movie
169) quilt in Art gallery
170) Clancy's Tavern
171) Cleaning Marian's room
172) New car
173) Jersey Boys the movie
174) Navigation system
175) Exempt staff council
176) getting to know boss
177) knockout rose bushes
178) Under the Dome
179) Black Jacket Symphony
180) Whitewater rafting
181) 55
182) knitting lesson
183) Bravo!
184) new license plate
185) small town July 4th
186) The Normal Heart
187) cell phone holder
188) row by row first row
189) new knitting stitches
190) tree fell on house
191) Gatlinburg street entertainers
192) Sydney Logan book
193) Yard sale
194) Fabric Christmas ornaments
195) Retitle car failure
196) unplanned dinner with Cyndi
197) chocolate truffle cupcake
198) interview Director of Ops job
199) The Egg and I
200) Chattanooga Quilt Shops
201) Marian driving home from Chattanooga
202) It Works purchase
203) Email change
204) Blackhorse Pub & Brewery
205) class on Iris reporting
206) Museum of Art at lunch
207) It Works! Home facial
208) Pop's Dog Wash
209) Married at First Sight
210) LGBT rep
211) UT Farmer's market
212) Nancy's retirement party planning
213) Guardians of the Galaxy opening night
214) new nail salon
215) Twenty Feet from Stardom documentary
216) thing at work
217) It Works! Power bar
218) new Walmart
219) Street Jelly website
220) IRIS e class
221) new writer Rachel Grant
222) Brunch with Nancy and Beth
223) Shark Week
224) Kiss and Thrill blog plus comment
225) Battered Bastards of Baseball
226) Hillbilly Tarot
227) Limon Electric Lemonade drink
228) The Escape Game
229) Teaching Mrs Tingle
230) mustard on my shirt
231) center block for FAC @ FAB quilt
232) morning news program
233) phone survey
234) shopping and lunch with Pam Hart
235)Lemoyne star class
236) retirement party for Nancy
237) no living room TV
238) Ag agents
239) Trivia night with girls from work
240) Gameday app
241) brownie with cream cheese icing
242) sewing labels on Medal of Honor quilts
243) addressed envelopes to request cards for Mom's birthday
244) designed and made small quilt
245) Show and tell at guild
246) When the Game Stands Tall
247) nice to everyone at Krogers
248) Air Supply
249) chocolate pedicure that did not happen
250) Publix
251) LGBT meeting
252) AQS booth set up
253) Sticky Fingers for dinner
254) Fabric opinion
255) room service
256) loading out the AQS show
257) Long Island Medium
258) 1st row of new FAC @ FAB project
259) Nielsen survey
260) The Lost Highway
261) Baked Spaghetti at Shoneys
262) quilt show by myself
263) salsa verde and pepper jelly
264) Mom turns 80
265) washed my new car
266) Warehouse 13
267) meeting with Ticket Office
268) Retirement seminar
269) new author Laurie Breton
270)  Townsend Fall Festival
271) Xfinity app
272) Finished all the ledgers in one day
273) Take 5
274) Recipe chain email
275) Pets for Vets
276) Long Island ice tea
277) Alphas TV show
278) Mitered corners
279) download pattern
280) gingerbread pop tarts
281) sisters at the gym
282) mobile banking
283) University Women's club meeting
284) quilt show purse
285) Forever
286) milkshake for dinner
287) Not Watsons
288) The Miracle Worker
289) lunch in Arena Dining while watching movie on my iPad 
290) Elephants
291) Big Smo
292) Gigi cupcake
293) Tenn Nails pedicure 
294) Bella Andre
295) Naples
296) Homeless lecture
297) don't go back to work after lunch
298) football game with kids and ex
299) American Graffiti 
300) Pivotal Living
301) no mirror
302) voting no on amendment one
303) budget
304) Forgotten first
305) My quilt in a book
306) House of cards
307) Talk up book with the librarian 
308) Health scare
309) saw Physician assistant instead of doctor 
310) new job responsibility - signing travel
311) refused medicine 
312) no eating out
313) dinner with friend - I took a sandwich 
314) made tree topper for Fantasy of Trees
315) Carolina Ale House
316) meeting with CFO, beer with CFO, play 4000 Miles
317) day of problems and finding creative solutions 
318) quilt class with Deb Karasik
319) curved piecing 
320) sew dress with no pattern
321) new choice at Jason's - grilled cheese with soup
322) driving new car in the snow
323) changing direction while playing with colored pencils
324) opening mail at work
325) Grocery shopping during lunch
326) Fantasy of Tree decorating
327) Free tickets
328) Friend sick
329) Sitting next to Chancellor at meeting 
330) Altered a crochet pattern 
331) Pumpkin cake
332) Celebration of Lights
333) Mexican Train dominos 
334) Mexican Train dominos app
335) Walmart savings receipt app
336) Giving Tuesday
337) NPR book list
338) Retiring
339) glitter toe nail polish
340) Craft fair
341) Brunch and a movie
342) C J Box
343) coupon book
344) Velvetta cheese sandwich 
345) Apple pie
346) party mix in a crock pot
347) 1st Annual Christmas cookies baking day
348) microwave bowl holders
349) Elevate app
350) HR class
351) new dessert Oreo balls
352) Christmas Carol
353) Thunderclap 
354) King Street Grill
355) Mystery theatre and Charleston jail
356) Hot Stone massage and Fire & Ice pedicure 
357) Trivia win
358) Sunny from Serbia 
359) Sunbathing on Christmas 
360) Afternoon tea
361) Drove home from Charleston 
362) The Red Tent
363) go to restaurant to just have dessert for dinner
364) Knooking 
365) Person in front of me at Chick-fil-a bought part of my lunch 

1) Blacked Eyed Peas
2) Weight Watchers Meeting
3) Getting out of Jury Duty
4) Ate at Miller's Grocery in Christiana
5) Read a Weight Watchers magazine front to back
6) Sports bet with Josh
7) Green smoothie
8) Ninja review on Amazon
9) Making it on the jumbotron at a Preds game and touching a pregnant belly
10) Trying new restaurant - O'Possum's
11) Got a gel manicure
12) Going to a movie alone
13) Trying Bokwa
14) Registered for Be The Match bone marrow transplant list
15) Tried almond milk for the first time
16) Dinner date by myself
17) Pay it forward at Chick-fil-A drive thru
18) Learned to crochet
19) Bought a gift for a stranger on their registry online
20) Registered for Kickstarter
21) Posted a video on Keek
22) Made a bucket list
23) Handwritten letter (fail)
24) Bought a pair of boots on for my fat calves!
25) Watched 2 new bad movies on lifetime network
26) Pineapple casserole
27) FaceTime
28) chilis molten lava cake 
29) read an unpublished book about marriage 
30) donated to a sorority sisters medical fund after he unexpectedly passed away 
31) tried subway for breakfast
32) bought a shirt off teespring
33) cocktail weenies 
34) fake lashes 
35) chili 
36) Lifeway
37) German food for Josh's birthday
38) Diaper cake for SIL's baby shower
39) Country Lane quilts, The White Possum, and more! (trip to Smithville)
40) Stroller assembly 
41) Cotton swabbing my cheek for bone marrow registration site
42) Hugging a stranger
43) Made from scratch chocolate banana pancakes
44) Pre-craft prep
45) Date Night (at work) craft time (centerpiece assembly and ribbon "chandelier") 
46) Volunteering at the Hot Chocolate 5K/15K
47) Ankle Jeans
48) The Tonight Show
49) Titan's season ticket holder dinner
50) Zulily purchase
51) Tornado warning/shelter
52) Homemade pizza
53) Multiple first (Brad Paisley concert experience) 
54) Omelets 
55) lobster
56) squash adventures 
57) receipt message
58) learning about bird poop 
59) Joining the KD Alumnae Chapter
60) Same meal for breakfast and dinner
61) Stretching new work shoes the pinterest way
62) Craigslist posting 
63) Installing a car seat
64) Keurig hot chocolate (with no K Cup)
65) Spinning a basketball on my finger
66) Chopping 9 inches of hair off! 
67) Welcoming a new baby
68) New grilled chicken
69) Guest blog
70) Meditation
71) Food/stress diary
72) Titans stadium tour
73) Bald in the Boro
74) Geographical center of the State
75) Breakfast with Mom
76) PB2
77) Saying the alphabet backwards 
78) March Madness bracket
79) Mug Cake
80) New store - Five Below
81) Pickers Creek Winery
82) Making chocolate gravy 
83) Trying cantaloupe
84) Watching Game of Arms
85) Failing to apply to be on a game show
86) Patting out my first hamburgers
87) Attempting a back bend/bridge
88) Dave and Busters
89) New Drink at Sonic
90) Mellow Mushroom Trip
91) Failed headstand attempt
92) Giving away 100 biscuits
93) #TBT post
94) Fat Moes burgers
95) Barre Fitness class
96) Climb Nashville
97) Watching Josh live out a dream
98) Homemade jewelry cleaner
99) Fitness tracker research
100) New coffee 
101) Being an inspiration
102) Skip Bo for the first time
103) Trying frog legs
104) Trusting in others to do my job (fail)
105) Flu nose swab test
106) Being sick ... for multiple days and missing work so much
107) Standing up for myself
108) Anime take over
109) Trying tums
110) Lots of Easter adventures
111) Complimenting a fellow customer service rep
112) Princess Ball :) 
113) Breakthroughs
114) Frisbee in a private school
115) I found the dress
116) Homemade banana pudding with Aunt Mary
117) Baptism of a close friend's daughter 
118) My mind just got blown
119) Special Olympic athletes came to visit
120) Switching gyms!
121) Delicious dinner at Your Pie
122) Portfolio at work
123) Nashville craft fair
124) Lessons in pork from BBQ Pitmasters show
125) Home made enchiladas 
126) Free training session at the gym
127) New ab machine at the gym
128) Titans Draft Party
129) Sleep ... yes, sleep
130) Strawberry Picking Date
131) Home made fresh strawberry muffins
132) Home made smoked wings
133) Ride around Chick-fil-A in a Humvee
134) Flaringitis diagnosis
135) Farewell to Christina .. On Grey's Anatomy
136) Special Olympics TN Opening Ceremony
137) Home made fresh strawberry banana bread
138) Church service outside with Angus
139) Horrible, horrible sinus pain
140) Hiding in an Army "box"
141) Pressure fryer malfunction
142) Rash
143) Rotisserie chicken for dinner
144) Bad lifetime movie day
145) Delicious new salad at TGIFriday's
146) Memorial Day work event
147) Commitment to white water rafting trip in June :(
148) Fresh peaches
149) Clean eating breakfast cookies
150) The Awkward Moment with Zac Effron
151) Mall Food Court Food - Leaf Greens
152) Best friend's baby shower!
153) Clean eating/cinnamon apples
154) The Love Dare
155) Dirty Minds Game
156) Not Crying
157) Dance Fitness with Jessica
158) Tofu Shiritaki Noodles
159) Alfonso's
160) A New Book
161) One eyed horse
162) Feed America First
163) Just Love Coffee
164) CMT Crossroads
165) Pfunky Griddle
167) Gnats
168) Cliff Bar
169) Sushi and Addaday
170) New game at game night
171) Preparing to close Chick-fil-A
172) Demo day at CFA
173) Small town church
174) Pizza Hut buffet with Josh
175) Frozen grapes
176) Many firsts (including: new Chinese restaurant, stand up tanning bed, Vandy College World Series)
177) Showering at the gym and Nashville Dancin' free concert with Brian, Ashlee, Bryson and Josh
178) Kirkenburts restaurant
179) Bojangles and Starbucks awful breakfast experience
180) Whitewater Rafting trip
181) Happy Birthday Mom!! and 50's diner
182) Rita's Italian Ice and Chaos
183) Jamberry Nails
184) Trip to Dickson, TN
185) New July 4 Activities
186) Sky High 
187) New apple cinnamon pancake recipe
188) New fried chicken by Josh
189) New game download from the app store
190) Happy Birthday Mallory Ann!
191) Meeting baby Mallory
192) No social media for the day
193) Uncle Dave Macon Days
194) New Restaurant and Goats Milk
195) Fried Rice from Sam's Club
196) Josh makes homemade cornbread in a cast iron skillet 
197) Trivia Night at Sam's 
198) On the spot job offer to IHOP employee
199) Meeting Elsa
200) Prepping the store to reopen 
201) Successfully purchasing steak
202) Balloon Arch Lesson
203) National Guard Award
204) Heat and Bond Failure 
205) Ribbon Cutting
206) Sir Pizza and surprise birthday date night to the Opry
207) Punching bag game
208) New church in town
209) New up do
210) Online FB yard sale post 
211) Sharknado 2
212) Grand Opening of H3O
213) Heaven is Real
214) Seven Pounds Movie
215) Flatout bread pizza
216) Run on the greenway (and my birthday!) 
217) Starbucks gift card on Starbucks app
218) Starting the schedule
219) Voting in the republican primary 
220) Married at First Sight
221) Titan's Game as Season ticket holder (and a monsoon) 
222) Discovering The Escape Game
223) Shark Week
224) Frozen Kid's Night
225) God's Not Dead
226) Chia Seeds
227) Angry Orchard 
228) The Escape Game
229) Eating a cupcake (cutting it in half and eating it with the icing on the inside)
230) Learning how to target FB posts from a marketing meeting
231) Guts - standing up for something I believe I deserve
232) Meeting Dan Cathy
233) Special Kids tour
234) Angry Orchard Crisp Apple
235) Newks
236) Becoming a Beyonce fan
237) Beyonce album download
238) Thai Dye Pizza from Mellow Mushroom
239) New reports for work
240) Jury Duty in Murfreesboro 
241) Night shift at work
242) New Location for Pfunky Griddle
243) New Seats for UT Game
244) Screech's Perspecitve of Saved by the Bell
245) Drive Thru Director roll
246) Making my first schedule
247) Fantasy Draft on my Own
248) Ordering extra hot on my coffee at Starbucks
249) Brussels Sprouts
250) Southwestern chicken flatbread from Panera
251) RIP Truett Cathy
252) First alone day with schedule 
253) Confirmation email for grand opening application 
254) Fitness challenge at work
255) Opening store
256) Downloading Xfinity app
257) Cards Against Humanity
258) New music education 
259) Below Deck
260) New way to hang clothes
261) Really pissed customer
262) Purchasing asparagus
263) Bacon wrapped asparagus 
264) iPhone 5s
265) Bid Day as an alum
266) Training team members at work
267) Gold level on Starbucks app
268) Post it note app
269) Real Water
270) Pumpkin Cinnamon and White Chocolate coffee from JoZos
271) Fresh herbs while shopping
272) Kale
273) Not understanding why we are fighting Ebola
274) Protein Treats by Nicolette
275) ABC Fashion Show
276) Live Auction
277) New hair brush
278) Chef Wangs
279) Best friend is Pregnant!! (I can finally announce it!) And she's having a boy! 
280) La Bella Pizzaria
281) Being told your fat by the doctor
282) Running the store
283) Apple Chai Tea (yummy!)
284) Closing the store
285) Titans Suite seats
286) New Rain Jacket
287) Dustin Lynch
288) Cookie Party
289) Homemade Apple Chair fail
290) Fall Fest inside
291) Big Smo in Bell Buckle
292) Sleeping all day
293) New meal at Smashburger
294) Vimeo video
295) Perfected homemade apple chai
296) New schedule form 
297) Willies
298) Ultimate grilled cheese from Latitude 35
299) Lunch at my grandfather's 
300) Asking for prayers from my small group
301) Halloween costume
302) Booking a new Santa
303) 5 year anniversary 
304) New work jacket
305) Mentor to new DT director 
306) New gun range in Woodbury
307) Taking a stand 
308) Voting on Election Day (and last post)