Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 187 phone holder and apple cinnamon pancakes

A couple of weeks ago some friends and I went quilt shop shopping. While we were there, we saw these really cute telephone holders. They could be used for sewing also. They were only $2 and included the fabric and the pattern. The pattern is actually an interfacing that you press onto the fabric that has the sewing lines on it. My friend Carol got one for her soon to be daughter in law. She has not sewn much so she asked for my help. I needed to make one before I could show her how. That is trying for me. I have a hard time following directions. I think it is because I read so much and when I read I skim so I tend to do that with directions. I have to make myself concentrate when I am reading directions and not skip ahead. Here is what I made. I think it turned out cute.

My (Taylor) first was a bit of a flop. I was really craving some pancakes before church so I went pinterest-ing and found an apple cinnamon pancake recipe. The recipe called for applesauce and I had recent bought some. Well apparently some things on the top shelf of our fridge freeze. And that's what happened to my applesauce. So I just had cinnamon pancakes that were made with whole wheat flour and almond milk among other things. I've decided no matter how many different ways I try, I just can't stand whole wheat flour. It's awful in my opinion. So my breakfast wasn't very successful. 

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