Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 76 My Own Blog and PB2

Taylor made our joint blog. I really appreciate her doing that but I wanted to do my own. It can continue after our year of "first". It will be a place for me to showcase my quilts, my crochet projects, talk about books I love, movies and TV shows. I am very uneasy showing my work in public but sometimes I am very excited about what I am working on. So I created All My Hobbies on Blogger. 

I (Taylor) think it's pretty awesome that mom started her own blog all by herself (with no help from anyone!) 

Today I decided to try out my new PB2 I bought/found at Kroger. I had just been talking to mom about if it was sold in stores and while I was doing my normal grocery shopping I stumbled upon some! 

So I mixed it up with some chocolate protein powder, milk, strawberry yogurt and ice to make a protein shake. It was horrible! I've decided I'm not a fan of protein shakes (so far at least). 

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