Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 230 Mustard and Facebook posts

Today was a horrible day at work (Lynn). Every task was twice as hard as it should have been. But the most challenging thing today was having a huge blob of mustard on my shirt most of the day. It was right on my left breast and was a circle about three inches across. I tried getting out with a tide pen. Apparently a tide pen does not work on mustard. You could not miss it and of course most of the afternoon there were tons of people in and out of my office. So my first today - walking around with a huge mustard stain on my shirt. Not my finest moment.

This morning I (Taylor) had a marketing director meeting with the Nashville area marketing directors. We had a couple of home office people come an talk about social media and public relations. I learned something brand new from the social media guy. When you boost posts on your stores Facebook page there are a lot of different ways to customize who you target. You can do sex, age, location, etc. I also learned that you can customize based on what a person has posted about on their own personal Facebook page. For example. If we want to boost a post about our iced coffee and wanted to target women aged 21-36 you could set those peramiters. You can also add in interests. So you could type in Starbucks. So any female ages 21-36 that has talked about Starbucks, you can boost your post to them! How crazy awesome is that!?!

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