Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 365 My year of firsts

Lu Ann Cahn's book "I Dare Me" starting this year long journey of "firsts". I was so excited to have Taylor join me and as I look back at my year of "firsts" the ones we shared were the best. The blog, our whitewater rafting trip, the Escape game, decorating the tree for Fantasy of Trees and our 1st Annual Christmas cookie baking day to name a few. This year has been a struggle at times. Do you know how hard it is to find something new to do each day? Well take my word for it, it is hard. There were times when Taylor and I would copy each other because we couldn't think of anything. It is easy when you are on vacation and there are times when "firsts" fell in your lap but most days you really had to work at it.

I read some new authors, watched some new television shows, saw some plays and they were all fun but the best things I did this year were the ones I did for other people. Buying someone's order at the drive thru, purchasing a present for someone off the baby registry at Toys R Us and doing some volunteer work. It always makes you feel good to do something for someone else. I have to mention the quilt I made (and the two I helped make) for the Medal of Honor recipients. This turned out to be so much more than I thought when I signed up. It was such an honor to do it and they were so appreciative. I shared the experience with my Mother and that shared experience made it so special. This is a memory I will always treasure. 

Looking back at our blog, I have smiled, laughed and cried a little. It has been a fantastic year, but sad things have happened. I lost a friend and that broke my heart. I have had success and failure but I never gave up. Some of my first are silly and some made me very uncomfortable. But I learned new things and I became more confident in myself. Doing a first everyday makes you step outside your comfort zone....A LOT. I know that going into 2015, I will continue to try new things. I like adventure. I like, how at 55, I am willing to continue to learn more about the world and myself. I will continue to use "firsts" as a way to be a better person and not allow fear to rule my life. I will continue to journal. It helps me remember as I get older and my memories don't come as easily.

One thing I noticed about 2014, I was sick a lot. So that makes me more determined and excited to start our adventure for 2015. This new year is going to be about being healthy. I will let Taylor explain, but I am definitely going to be healthier and back in the gym in 2015. 

I hope everyone who reads this blog tries to have a "first" at least every month. You won't regret it.

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