Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 59 Board Game and alumnae chapter

Tonight was game night! As a family we are crazy about board games. When my kids were young we played all the time. It was not unusual for my sister, Marian and I to stay up until all hours of the night playing Trivial Pursuit. (I always made her stay up until I won a game.) Holidays always included hours of board games. Then life got in the way. I cannot remember the last time we played. Tonight we pulled out a new game we purchased.

A trivia game featuring our favorite TV show. It is a fun game. We discovered we both suck at "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock". I cannot make the Spock with my right hand, only my left. A very weird thing kept happening to me. When I answered a question about a character, I almost always drew that character's card. Freaky, deaky! Let's see if Taylor can answer a question.
In the episode "The Panty PiƱata Polarization" (S2/E7) Penny takes an item of food from Sheldon's plate that causes him to flip out. What was it?

I (Taylor) have the answer! An onion ring!! Boy I sure hope that's right. 

Today, my first takes me back to my college days. During my junior and senior year of college I was an active collegiate member of Kappa Delta. Tonight, I became an active member of the Murfreesboro Alumnae chapter :-)